
The 院校资助办事处 provides support to Delta State University faculty and staff for securing external funding from federal, 状态, and non-federal institutions such as foundations and corporations. This support includes workshops and seminars as well as training and technical assistance; interested faculty should contact the 院校资助办事处. An official file of 奖助金 and contracts is held in-Office.

This Office is under direction of the Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies and Research. All 奖助金 and contractual agreements which place obligation on Delta State University must be authorized and can only be entered into by the President, the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Finance and Administration, 或院校资助署署长. The 院校资助办事处 is responsible for reporting external funding to the IHL and other 政府ernment entities.


雇主识别号码(EIN): 64-6026565


兔褐: 063942676

国会选区:  MS-002

组织类型:  Public/State-controlled Institution of Higher Education

税收地位:  Instrument of 状态 政府ernment under Section 170(c)(1)

教职员工总数(2022年秋季):  705

学生入学总人数(2022年秋季): 1844



50% of salaries and benefits – On-Campus
23% of salaries and benefits – Off-Campus

校外定义: For all activities performed in facilities not owned by DSU and to which rent is directly allocated to the project, 适用校外费率. 奖助金 or contracts will not be subject to more than one cost rate. If more than 50% of a project is performed off-campus, 适用校外费率 to the entire project.
DSU’s cost rate agreement is with the Department of 健康 and Human Services (DHHS).

福利率: 员工工资的33%
The University does not pay benefits for students who are employed; therefore, no benefits are to be calculated for student workers, 研究生助教, 等.

Guide for Proposal Development and Submission


  • 概述项目概念.
  • 确定潜在的资金来源.
  • Ensure that eligibility requirements are met and that university is able to fulfill goals of the proposed project.
  • Obtain preliminary approval from Department Chair, Dean, Provost.
  • Notify the 院校资助办事处 and forward a copy of the program guidelines (4804 or 希瑟·米勒).
  • Ensure that all profiles are up-to-date for electronic filing, if necessary (NSF Fastlane, NIH, 等.).


  • 概述项目概念.
  • 确定潜在的资金来源.
  • Ensure that eligibility requirements are met and that university is able to fulfill goals of the proposed project.
  • Obtain preliminary approval from Department Chair, Dean, Provost.
  • Notify the 院校资助办事处 and forward a copy of the program guidelines (4804 or 希瑟·米勒).
  • Ensure that all profiles are up-to-date for electronic filing, if necessary (NSF Fastlane, NIH, 等.).


  • Prepare proposal in accordance with the funder’s guidance for content and formatting. The responsibility of the development of the technical content of the proposal lies solely with the Project 导演, 然而, 可要求协助.
  • Obtain assistance from the 院校资助办事处 as needed especially in areas of budget development, University and regional history and proposal formatting. Pertinent university information can be found here.
  • Consult with OIT if including technology to ensure capacity requirements when technology is included.
  • The 院校资助办事处 can complete electronic forms such as certifications and assurances (required by the federal 政府ernment).
  • Notify the 院校资助办事处 at any time for assistance (4804 or 希瑟·米勒) 联邦提案, it is important to download the appropriate application packet off of the 奖助金.政府 网站.


  • 完成 内部审批表格.
  • Obtain signatures of approval from Department Chairs, Dean, OIT (如果包括技术).

Route to the 院校资助办事处

  • 提交 内部审批表格 and completed proposal to the 院校资助办事处 five days in advance of deadline for review and administrative approvals. A project budget is required even if the funder is not requiring a budget to be submitted.
  • The 院校资助办事处 will review and obtain administrative signatures i.e., Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration, Vice President of Finance, Provost.
  • The 院校资助办事处 will notify PI/PD of any necessary changes.
  • For electronic proposals that are prepared and submitted online, provide the 院校资助办事处 with access at least 4 days before deadline (ex. NSF Fastlane).


  • Proposal submission is the responsibility of the PI/PD.
  • 联邦提案, upload the appropriate documents into the application packet and submit to the 奖助金 office for submission. 建议通过 奖助金.政府 can only be submitted by those authorized to do so.
  • 通过拨款提出建议.政府 will be submitted by the 院校资助办事处 (the Office MUST have at least 5 days notice) to access all of the necessary forms.


  • Forward a copy of the award or denial letter to the 院校资助办事处.



P: (662) 846-4804
F: (662) 846-4313

