Human Resources

Employee Tuition Remission Program

Full-Time Employees


Under this policy, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载每秋季或春季学期的学费减免不超过6个学分. Delta State will remit tuition for no more than three (3) credit hours per summer term and/or a total of six hours for extended summer terms.  每学期的学费减免不超过三(3)个学分. 学费减免计划不包括实验室费用、课程材料或住宿费. Also excluded are non-credit workshops, 研究生及进修部提供的学院及短期课程.

Employees may be released for up to one (1) three credit hour course during their normal working day with the prior approval of the supervisor. Employees will not be released from work for any additional courses above three (3) credit hours in a given semester or term. 额外的课程必须在非工作时间上.

In order to receive tuition remission, 员工必须获得大学的录取/再入学许可,并填写学费减免申请表. The application must be completed and forwarded to the Human Resources Department prior to the deadline for registration each semester.

Credit hours taken in excess of the limits specified in this policy shall be paid for by employees at the actual tuition for those hours.


Regular funded full-time employees are eligible to have tuition remitted for up to six (6) undergraduate or graduate credit hours per fall or spring semester and up to three (3) credit hours per summer and/or intersession term with a maximum of eighteen (18) credit hours per fiscal year. 兼职,符合条件的员工,可能需要多达三(3)学分每学期. 员工需要支付一定的费用. 兼职或临时身份的员工不符合学费减免计划的资格.

A full-time grant and/or auxiliary employee may be eligible for tuition remission (for the employee only) if the employee meets the University’s requirements. Eligibility, however, will be subject to grant/auxiliary guidelines, restrictions, and the availability of funds. Grant/auxiliary funded employees are subject to the same maximum of eighteen (18) credit hours per fiscal year as stated above.

Prior approval is needed from the Office of Institutional Grants and from the Office of Human Resources for tuition remission for full-time grant and/or auxiliary funded employees.

Employees are eligible for this benefit on the first day of their regular employment provided the employment began on or before the last day to add courses.

如果员工在学期/学期结束前离开KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的工作, 学费减免将根据学期剩余天数按比例发放.

Retired full-time employees, 谁在退休时符合资格申请学费减免计划, 是否可继续享有与正式雇员相同的待遇. 离退休人员是指已从学校正式退休的员工.

Regular full-time employees on an approved leave of absence may continue to be eligible for the Tuition Remission Program for the duration of the approved absence.

Part-Time Employees

兼职,符合条件的员工,可能需要多达三(3)学分每学期. 员工需要支付一定的费用. 对于有资格享受非全日制福利的雇员,同样的政策和程序适用于正式的全职雇员.

A part-time grant and/or auxiliary employee may be eligible for tuition remission (for the employee only) if the employee meets the University’s requirements. Eligibility, however, will be subject to grant/auxiliary guidelines, restrictions, and the availability of funds. 补助金/辅助资助员工每学期最多可获得三(3)个学分.

Adjunct Faculty and Temporary Status Employees


Dependent Children

The University provides a Tuition Remission Program which enables dependent children of eligible employees to enroll in courses of study at the University at reduced tuition. 学费减免计划不包括实验室费用, course materials, housing fees, or required fees. Also excluded are correspondence courses, short courses, workshops, institutes, 以及由继续教育学部教授的非学分课程. 受抚养子女是指未婚的自然子女, adopted child, step-child or legal ward and is less than 25 years of age as of the first day of the semester for which application is made for tuition remission.

Dependent children of regular full-time employees are eligible to receive tuition remission at fifty percent (50%) until the degree requirements for one baccalaureate degree are met. A 100% tuition remission scholarship is available to dependent children if both parents are full-time employees of the University and is employed as of the first day of each scheduled registration. Dependent children who have earned one baccalaureate degree from DSU or another institution are ineligible for this benefit. Dependent children of employees who are adjunct, 兼职或临时身份不符合学费减免计划的资格.

才能获得百分之五十的学费减免, a dependent child must gain admission to the University and complete the Application for Tuition Remission for a Dependent child. 申请表可在人力资源部领取. 申请必须在学期开始前完成. 这项政策不适用于从任何来源获得全额奖学金的受抚养子女. Dependent children receiving less than full scholarships are eligible for the tuition remission in addition to other aid and scholarships.


Spouses of regular full-time employees are eligible to receive the same provisions provided in the Employee Tuition Remission policy until the degree requirements are met. Employees’ spouses are eligible for this benefit on the first day of the employee’s regular employment provided the employment began on or before the last day to add courses.

如果员工在学期/学期结束前离开KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的工作, 配偶的学费减免将根据学期剩余天数按比例分配.



In order to receive the scholarship, 配偶必须获得大学的录取/再录取,并完成 Application for Scholarship. The application must be completed and forwarded to the Human Resources Department two weeks before registration for each semester.


Delta State University has entered into an agreement that will provide full-time faculty and staff at Mississippi Delta Community College a reduction of one-half tuition at Delta State University and allow full-time DSU employees the same benefit at Mississippi Delta Community College. 员工必须符合学校的常规录取要求. 该奖学金适用于定期学术会议, vocational education programs, 和学术认可的继续教育课程. Eligible employees must take courses at the reciprocal institution after regular office/working hours or by permission of supervisor. 主管须控制雇员在工作时间内上课的时间. It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to maintain adherence to institutional leave and travel policies regarding this scholarship.

An application for any DSU employees must 在每学期开始前两(2)周向DSU人力资源部提交学费减免申请. 密西西比三角洲社区学院将不接受申请,除非就业已被人力资源部核实.

如果你是另一所密西西比社区学院的雇员, 你可以在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的网站上找到有关学费减免机会的信息 Graduate and Continuing Studies.


Mississippi Delta Community College and Delta State University have established a tuition exchange program for dependent children of full-time faculty and staff at MDCC and DSU. The Tuition Exchange Program (TE) will permit three (3) DSU students to attend MDCC and three (3) MDCC students to attend DSU. 每个学生都将获得百分之五十(50%)的本科课程学费减免. 符合条件的人员可申请获得25岁以下法定受抚养子女的TE奖学金。. 所有学生必须符合录取机构的学术标准和标准. Scholarships are available for a maximum of four years (eight semesters) of full-time academic study in an undergraduate degree program. 学生必须在录取机构被录取为全日制学生,才有资格参加本课程. 每个家庭在任何学年只能有一名受抚养人参加TE课程. 为了平衡各院校的高等教育学生数量, MDCC和DSU已经同意在任何四(4)年的时间内最多提供12(12)个TE奖学金. TE奖学金的可用性取决于录取机构的可用性.

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